Dear Friends and Colleges,
It will be a big day for Avicenna on Sunday, September 18, 2016. We are going live with Athena, our new Electronic Medical Record. We are thankful to Athena for giving us this opportunity. Let me list for you some of the things Athena will do for Avicenna.
EMR will improve our professional appearance as we deal with other clinics and Grants applications.
EMR will give us solid statistics to use to plan for the future, demonstrate our value and to do research.
EMR will allow us to keep closer track of our patients so no one will “fall through the cracks!”. It will increase our numbers by providing a recall system.
EMR will allow us to send orders electronically to the Quest Lab and the patient’s prefered pharmacy.
EMR will provide a mechanism for more quick and thorough documentation at the time of the visit. This in turn will improve our coding and gives us an accurate value to the health care we are providing.
EMR gives us a mechanism to improve our community screening. It has many built-in screenings and with chromebooks we can take it on the road.
EMR will replace the weekly clinical report by printing a report at the end of the month with the same data as before but drawn from the charts.
EMR will do automatic calls to remind patients of their appointments. We can mail letters to patients using the EMR.
We can upload past medical histories and any other important paper easily into the patient’s chart.
We will be training our volunteers into the latest record keeping system. This will serve them better than a paper system as they move into their professional careers.
Wow! That isn’t even the half of it!
Geri Wirth
ACHC Executive Director