My Name is Geri Wirth, NP and I am the Executive Director at Avicenna Community Health Center. I have some very exciting news about the EMR.
Yes, it is going to happen! We are going to get an Electronic Medical Record. We are working with a company called Athena Health. As an outreach project, Athena gives their EMR to not-for-profit clinics we have been excepted to receive this privilege!
I have been working directly with the company to set the clinic up in the system. We have been editing and rearranging to customize the program to our clinic.
As many of you know, I have been giving out ID's and passwords to our volunteers. The Athena program will assign training videos to the volunteers based on their job title. These are available when you sign into the program. I hope everyone has started listening to some videos. If not, please do so. It will make our live launch go smoother.
The Athena company is now busy uploading our patients into their system.
We plan to go live September 18th. If you do not have a sign-on please email me or see me in the clinic. If you haven't started you training, please consider spending a few minutes a day with the Avicenna training videos.