Outreach director appointed
Outreach is an incredibly important piece making Avicenna work for the community. Outreach volunteers take the Avicenna spirit and mission out into the community to spread the word about our services, offer point of care testing, and educate the community on healthy habits. This is a big job: coordinating volunteers, creating and implementing projects, keeping in touch with community outlets.
We are happy to announce that Rachel Waldemer-Streyer will be taking over as our head of outreach. She is a previous Avicenna volunteer and is an MD PhD candidate at UIUC. We are extremely excited to have her back volunteering and we think she is going to be a perfect fit for the outreach director.
If you want to help Rachel in spreading the word, offering point of care testing, or educating the community about health habits, you can email her at rachel@avicennahealth.org. Also check out our outreach page for more information on what outreach volunteers do. We encourage you to get involved in outreach, it is rewarding, makes an impact, and is a great way to practice valuable skills and make connections.